
The fields of exoplanets and of protoplanetary disks have rapidly evolved in the past decade, due to the development of new observational facilities such as the Kepler space telescope, optical/near infrared spectroscopic instruments, high contrast imaging and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). However, the interaction between the different communities has been limited and therefore the knowledge of the development in other fields is often lacking behind, in particular due to the different techniques and wavelength ranges covered in these fields. With the PaNGoLin group we aim to reconcile these differences by active discussions and presentations on topics related to planet formation, encouraging disk observers to learn more about exoplanets, theorists to learn more about observations and vice versa. The main goals of our group are to be aware of the current open questions in the various fields, and to enhance collaboration accordingly.

The PaNGoLin collaborative group (see the member page) has expertise in ALMA observations, physical-chemical modeling of protoplanetary disks, high contrast imaging, transmission spectroscopy, planet population synthesis, exoplanet atmospheres and much more. The group is connected through a Slack workspace and meets on a weekly basis to discuss recent papers and research updates. In the future we will meet in dedicated team meetings for in-depth discussions and transfer of knowledge and techniques.

At the publications page we list recent publications by our team members showing the diversity of the research performed in this collaborative group.